Friday, March 13, 2009


I am going to take an astrology course.
The circle that I have been invited to has a regular astrology course. It will start in a couple of weeks and run once a week until we 'don't have any questions.'
I'm thinking I could die of old age in this class.

I'm excited about this. I have shrugged off opportunities in the past to take a class and everyone assumes that I don't believe in it. That is not the reason at all. I know that the very little I know is just barely scratching the surface and it can be incredibly has intimidated me.

So I am going to do this. I guess I should trot over to the DCW and tell Ariel. He is one of the ones that I have made excuses to.

Wish me luck.


  1. That's so awesome! I can't wait to hear about your classes!!

  2. Best of luck and I am excited for you. When I am finished with my cont. education credits I intend to take similar courses. :)

  3. Bravo for you! I would love to learn about Astrology, but find it intimidating. It's such a detailed subject. I hope you really enjoy the class!

  4. celeste- when you learn about this please teach me- I have NEVER understood astrology-nodes, jucts, trines- arrrrgggghhhh

  5. If I am really able to learn about this...maybe I will start another blog. Otherwise, I will just be sitting in class forever and ever and ever.

  6. That sounds fantastic! I had wanted to learn astrology a number of years ago, I couldn't find a course locally back then, & now I just don't have the time! waah!:)
